ESCMID Global 2026
ESCMID Global 2026

17 - 21 April 2026, Munich, Germany
Messe München GmbH
Am Messesee 2
81829 München
Learn all about the Scientific Programme that is built by the ESCMID Global Programme Committee (EPC).
Guidelines, categories, tips and more: learn all about abstracts at ESCMID Global 2024.
Secure your ticket to the world’s premier meeting in the fields of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
From dates and deadlines to onsite printing possibilities: get all information on ESCMID Global 2024 here!
Barcelona is a city packed full of historic buildings, cobblestoned streets and a great mix of cultural delights.
Want to become a sponsor or exhibitor at ESCMID Global? Then read on to get all information here.
Congress Information
17 - 21 April 2026, Munich, Germany
Messe München GmbH
Am Messesee 2
81829 München
Aeschenvorstadt 55
4051 Basel
Phone +41 61 508 0150
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