Onsite Printing Possibilities
Printing at ESCMID Global (formerly known as ECCMID)
If you need to print something at ESCMID Global, you have two services to choose from.
1.) Paper printing
Our copy service located in the Press Area offers these options:
- A3 /A4
- Black/white, colour
- One-sided / recto verso
Please make sure to bring your data on a USB Stick. Sticks can be bought for 5 EUR in the center as well.
- USB Stick: 5 EUR
- 10 copies A4: 5 EUR*
- 10 copies A3: 8 EUR*
* Equal prices for black/white and colour as well as one-sided and recto verso.

Payments can be done via our ESCMID event tool (card payments only).
(an ESCMID account is needed to log in)
North Access, first floor, Press Area
(ESCMID Global registration is needed)
Opening hours:
Friday, April 26 2024: 8:00-18:00 CEST
Saturday, April 27 2024: 8:00-18:00 CEST
Sunday, April 28 2024: 8:00-18:00 CEST
Monday, April 29 2024: 8:00-18:00 CEST
Tuesday, April 30 2024: 8:00-15:30 CEST
2.) Poster printing
Forgot your poster, need a replacement?
We offer an emergency printing service! Having your poster printed will take around 2-3 hours and cost 100 EUR + VAT.
Please note: we can only attend to a limited number of requests per day. So, for your print to be ready before the start of the Poster Sessions at 12:00 CEST, you should request the service no later than 08:30 CEST the same morning.
In addition to this you will find many copy shops all around Barcelona.